Infinity Speaks to us all in different ways…

Our team creates inner journeys that are heart centered and come from the inside out.

Designed to lead you on a path towards deeper connection and inner peace, we offer retreats and use mediums such as Virtual Reality to create transformative spaces where you can reconnect to your “true nature”.

We invite you to explore our website, connect on Discord and join this community of human beings on the journey of embodiment.


connecting beyond space

Next to our in person workshops and retreats, we offer a gathering of heart-centered people across the globe using Virtual Reality. For this we create community spaces for transformative group experiences in our apps, in addition to our meditative and inner journeys. The power of VR lies in its immersiveness and also in its ability to connect people spatially in a virtual 3D environment. Both research and our own experiences show how our brain interprets VR environments as ‘real’ spaces including the proximity of friends, colleagues or loved ones. Our bodies remember these sensations and emotions, carrying them beyond VR space into our daily lives.

Let’s explore the infinite within… together.


workshops & retreats

Our in person workshops and retreats are an invitation to experience CONNECT • PLAY • EVOLVE in an embodied and personal way. We setup these retreats in beautiful locations close to nature with a focus on transformative group experiences.

Our team members, with years of practice in leading groups and facilitating workshops, create safe spaces and cathartic experiences that help you connect deeper to your true Self. The usage of VR will be a part of the journey. Upcoming events for 2024 are planned in Central Europe.

Upcoming Workshops for 2025.
Stay tuned for more information.



‘Divine Timing’ is our guide. We follow lifelines, unattached to deadlines, and we listen. The creative process is deeply intertwined with being a whole and integrated human. It cannot be pushed or rushed. It must be allowed to unfold as each sacred whisper appears.

A fundamental part of Infinity Speaks inner journeys is that of ‘safety’. When you begin a journey you will always start from the home hub, a place of coziness and comfortable conviviality. Doors from the home hub will lead to different waking up, growing up and cleaning up adventures. It’s your choice where and when to go and play in each of these spaces. Adventures will lead you through practices and exercises, eventually to some type of shift experience and finally, after a restful time of integration you land back in the home hub, ready to take what you learned out into the real embodied world as your new self.

Hover over image to magnify.



Five people make up our core team. We share a love of travelling on the path of inner growth, where there is a sense of the infinite possibilities inside of us. We came together through a series of synchronicities, guided by ‘Infinity’.  She gave each of us and the collective a mission, provide a ‘voice’ for me to speak my truth to the world so that people may come to know more about themselves and others, in so doing bringing greater inner and outer peace. Our capacities and skills fit together, like a tree and the soil, providing a vibrant and fertile We Space from which to hear her voice, manifesting what she calls for with love and kindness. We are blessed with a few special partner organizations that help support us to create, manifest and expand.

If you feel the call of Infinity or resonance with our team and project, please get in touch with us.

Healing and Thriving

Emotionally, Mentally and Integrally

Clinical and Academic studies have shown that inner journeys, designed to induce states of peace, calm and relaxation have a measurable effect on the participant’s emotional states, supporting a reduction in anxiety, stress and depression. We aim to create surroundings and journeys deep into the ‘self’ and the beauty of creation, to generate feelings like: safety, peace, acceptance, wonder, inspiration, gratitude, interconnectedness and awe. NB: our journeys avoid any activities that may cause trauma.

When we heal ourselves, we contribute to the healing of the collective.




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